Accidents And Luck

The country of our birth? An accident of pure chance.

Choosing where we live? Luck that comes from planning and action.

Winning the lottery? A happy accident of random numbers.

Buying a lottery ticket week after week? Luck that comes from a small, repeated action.

Wrecking our car? An unfortunate accident.

Walking away from the wreck because of the vehicle’s safety record? Luck that comes from research and planning and hard work on the part of the engineers at the auto manufacturer

The parents that gave us life and raised us? An accident of genetics and environment.

Changing how we think and what we become? Luck borne of action and persistence.

Being born in to abject poverty? An accident.

Getting an education, working hard, using fiscal responsibility, making something of ourselves? Luck generated by planning, action and determination.

Accidents are created by pure, random, blind chance.

Luck is created by planning, action and persistence.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Don’t attribute to luck, good or bad, something that is really just an accident.

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