You Don’t Have To Be Suicidal To Be An Entrepreneur, But It Helps!

Things you can say to an entrepreneur but not to someone contemplating suicide

“There’s no better time than to take that leap.”

“Your problem is you don’t follow through on anything you say you will do.”

“Oh well then just do it and stop talking about it already.”

“Just pull the trigger already!”

“I don’t believe you can do it.”

“You’ll fail at this like you failed at everything else in life.”

“I don’t think you have the guts to follow through.”

“There’s no time like the present.”

“If you were really serious, you would have done it already.”

“You’ve just got to jump in with both feet.”

“You just need to be fearless and take that first step.”

“It’s all about the right time and the right place.”

“You just have to be ready to jump when the time is right.”

“You’re all talk and no action.”

“I will be your greatest advocate, I will be standing on the side lines cheering you on and shouting ‘Do it!'”

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